The TV Series "The Golden Girls" first appeared on NBC in September 1985. The show, nicknamed "Miami Nice", ran for seven years, with a total of 180 episodes.

The show tells the story of four ladies, who live in Blanche's bungalow at 6151 Richmond Street in Miami, Florida. They enjoy their golden years together, growing old disgracefully.

As a fan of the show, I have written this website. Enjoy! It has helped me to build up my own collection of the series, and hopefully will be of use to other fans around the world.

Remember to come back and visit this site regularly as it is constantly being updated, and thank you for being a friend.


Yes finally, Season One of the Golden Girls comes to DVD. Region 1 is released now, with Region two coming soon. Series 2 is scheduled for release on Region 1 DVD soon!

If you live in the UK, and you have a multiregion DVD player you can order your copy for just £23.99

Click here to order your copy today for £23.99

Blanche Devereaux

played by
Rue McClanahan

Dorothy Zbornak

played by
Beatrice Arthur

Rose Nylund

played by
Betty White

Sophia Petrillo

played by
Estelle Getty

Bea Arthur has recently been in the United Kingdom with her One Woman Show, 'Bea Arthur at the Savoy', which as its name suggests, was at the Savoy Theatre in London.

To promote her show, she has made several appearances on TV chat shows in the UK.

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